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The Book

Business Cyberbullies
and How to Fight Back

ISBN: 978-1-77040-980-4


In a matter of minutes, a reputation can be attacked and ruined online. Rumor-mongering, defamation, fake websites or sheer mischief with a business can cost you time, money and credibility. It isn’t easy to know how to stop the siege and how to combat the harmful effects of cyberbullying. This book gives you a step-by-step guide to protect your brand, restore your image, and deal with the predators attempting to undermine your business. Debbie Elicksen, an experienced author on digital issues, provides practical advice that will minimize the damage and maximize the response at the most effective time. She speaks from personal experience as a victim of cyberbullying. She notes that, even when a cyberattack is illegal, it isn’t easy to fight. Elicksen takes you through several plans to deal with specific problems. The book is an invaluable resource in the never-ending battle to preserve reputations in the digital age.


Available through Amazon and Self-Counsel Press.

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